– making marriage easier

We’ve recently brought births, deaths and marriages content on to and turned off this content on the Internal Affairs site. It’s a huge leap in terms of giving people government information on one site rather than spreading it across hundreds of agency sites, and reducing the confusion that users feel when trying to interact with government.

We started out by finding out what people need with analytics and call centre insight, and now we’re finding out whether we’ve improved things by looking at user data. People are engaging well with the new marriage content.

Data is from four weeks post-launch compared to the same period last year.

How to get married in NZ page is performing well. The team turned a scattered wilderness of marriage-related pages into this cohesive step-by-step guide:

How to get married

– high reach – 7K unique page views
– high engagement – average of 6 minutes on site and 5 pages per session for this audience
– low searches – only 50 searches on this page, which suggests that people are getting what they need from content

People can now find registry office locations and contact details:
– two registry office pages received 5K unique page views, and location results pages received 3K upvs
– registry office searches have dropped 70% compared to the old site

And on the other side of things we’re meeting previously unmet demand for divorce content, which used to be on a separate agency site:
Separating or getting a divorce pages received 6K unique page views
– divorce searches dropped 40%

At we’re making online government services easier to access and use, with plain English content and an intuitive structure. And we’re showing the improvements with data. See the full story on the New Zealand government Web Toolkit – making marriage easier.

Image source: Te Papa

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